Staatsminister Dr. Florian Herrmann im Exklusivinteriview. Interview Susanne Panhans-Die

State Minister Dr. Florian Herrmann
Exclusive Interview
2025 Nuremberg

State Minister Dr. Florian Herrmann im Exclusive Interview

2025 Nuremberg


Schlagzeilen-Headlines State Minister Dr. Florian Herrmann


State Delegates’ Conference – BLV

Bavarian State Association of Market Traders and Showmen e.V., headquartered in Munich

2025 Nuremberg

“Dr. Herrmann, welcome to Nuremberg.”
“With pleasure, always a pleasure.”
“Did you expect this volume of tasks when you came here?”

“To be honest, yes, because I always go to appointments well-prepared, and because I frequently exchange ideas
with President Bradac and the entire association. We are familiar with the topics that are pressing for the members—
these member businesses. In one or two instances, I’ve already been able to bring reassurance or say,
‘We’ll solve this,’ or ‘This is how we can solve it.’ “Some things will still take time, where we need the federal government,
but that’s the point of this exchange—not just to make nice words, that’s part of it too—respect—but to also address problems.”

And then, together, seek solutions, especially for this industry, because that’s very important—
ideally cost-saving, reducing bureaucracy, so that the job is enjoyable for them and it’s also worthwhile, of course.”

“Many decisions are now made at the federal level. How long do you think it will take before they take effect and are implemented?”
“If everyone is willing, it always goes quickly. When we agree that certain things, like the toll topic or the equal treatment
of craftsmen with vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tons, etc., need to be resolved, it can be solved with just a stroke of a pen—
meaning, reducing bureaucracy can be done with a stroke of a pen. It just depends on wanting to do it.”
“That sounds very good, that’s very positive for the future.”
“And will there be fireworks again?”

“Yes. We have absolutely nothing against fireworks; the state government has zero objections—it’s very often a matter
for the municipalities. Everyone sitting on a city council or municipal council needs to understand that they’re not there
to be a killjoy or spoil others’ fun, only doing what they personally like or dislike. It’s about…”

“To do what the population wants.” “And the population simply wants a nice fireworks display at least once a year
during the folk festival—it’s part of it, and it should remain that way.”

“Yes, that’s tradition, and traditions should be preserved.”
“Thank you very much for the interview.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Ich habe mich sehr gefreut, ich wünsche Ihnen einen guten Nachhauseweg und vielen herzlichen Dank.”
“Thank you as well, goodbye, and all the best.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Best regards, Susanne Panhans”

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“All images, texts, interviews, and videos: Copyright by Susanne Panhans”

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